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Founded in 1984, the Trafalgar Chartwell Residents’ Association is a volunteer-operated, not-for-profit corporation. We work to help our neighbourhood maintain its quality, its community and its friendliness as growth and change take place.
We have been a strong and effective voice for our neighbourhood with the Town, the Region and the Province on planning, development and services. We work constructively with our councillors, our mayor, and our Provincial and Federal representatives, and we collaborate closely with our neighbouring residents’ associations.
Doug has lived in Oakville since 1969, with a brief three-year absence during the eighties. Originally trained as a mining engineer, he spent most of his career as an information technologist, working for Inco Ltd. Now retired, Doug lives on Trafalgar Road, overlooking the 16 Mile Creek. An immigrant from England, he feels truly blessed to live in Canada and in this lovely town.
Doug has lived in east/old Oakville for over 20 years. Retired from the steel industry, he has an Engineering degree from Queen’s and an MBA from McMaster.
Doug enjoys many sports, and the outdoors, in all seasons. Indoor interests include reading, history, and doing research, learning new things. Doug enjoys contributing, and where possible making a difference.
Lorraine loves Oakville with all her heart and is a strong advocate for community affairs.
Paul has lived in Oakville for almost seventy years. He trained as a Chartered Accountant with KPMG and then joined GE Canada where he spent more than thirty years in a variety of controllership and financial systems activities. Paul has been a TCRA director and Treasurer for six years. More recently, he has also assumed Recording Secretary and Membership Secretary responsibilities. Paul enjoys travelling, photography, wine and the company of friends.
Hugh and his wife Linda came to Canada from Scotland in 1974 planning for a two-year travel adventure before returning home. Those two years became fifty years, and Canada became home. They have three children and five grandchildren and have lived in the area since 2002.
Hugh has a degree in Physics from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, and retired from IMAX Corp in 2015 as a Senior VP for Film Production.
Hugh and Linda love Oakville and intend it to be their forever home. Serving as a Director of TCRA is Hugh’s way of repaying in some very small way for the privilege of enjoying this unique town.
Raised in Oakville, Claire went to Linbrook, EJ, OTHS and received her Honours B. Comm in Finance and International Business at the University of Ottawa. Pivoting away from corporate Toronto in her twenties, Claire began studying and working as a carpenter. She now works as a Construction Site Supervisor.
An avid outdoors woman, Claire can often be found jogging the streets of Oakville with friends and her dogs, or paddling or sailing on Lake Ontario.
Ward 3 Town and Regional Councillor
Janet Haslett-Theall
Ward 3 Town Councillor
Dave Gittings
To help support your neighbourhood residents association, please join and pay the membership fees (click here).